Paul Barnaby ca cpa – Lead Presenter
Paul is a Chartered Accountant with over 30 years’ experience in the profession. He was for 15 years Managing Partner of a second-tier national firm in Wellington NZ. For the past 10 plus years he has operated a Queensland Australia based specialist consulting practice in Predictive Accounting, Strategic Planning, Financial Analysis and Modeling.
His unique development of a scientific approach to techniques in Predictive Accounting, means an outstanding quality of corporate Budgets and Forecasts when prepared using these techniques. For graduates in advisory firms, this adds substantially to the Business Advisory service delivered to clients.
What is Predictive Accounting? View a short video interview with a practical example
He is lead presenter to the Academy and coordinates the delivery of the course and examination.

Peter Towers ca
Through his company EssBiztools, Peter shows accountants how to “own” Business Advisory Services in a very proactive manner. He helps them to break out of their tax lodging shells and expand their horizons to open up their teams to a variety of interesting work that keeps them engaged in their careers. Now more than ever accounting firms have opportunities beyond taxes and even basic bookkeeping and budgeting.
Ess Biztools provides an online access to a range of tools, workpapers, and online training, with specific templates which assist you to implement a full budget process for hundreds of types of businesses within the general categories of Retail, Trades/Manufacturing Businesses, Professional Businesses.
Peter will show you how to use these templates and workpapers as you work with clients in Predictive Accounting.