Academy of Predictive AccountingA group of well-regarded advisors to the accounting profession recently decided that there is a need in the profession to provide skills, and more particularly, qualifications, in the preparation of prophetic and foretelling financial statements, rather than the historic accounting for compliance purposes, which preoccupies many practitioners.
This has led to the formation of the above Academy, which will have as its core objective, and outcome for registrants, the following qualification:

Certified Predictive Accountant ™
The course consists of case study-based series of lectures which will have 1-on-1 online and collaborative features where registrants prepare the prophetic financial statements, as follows:
- Revenue Statement
- Balance Sheet
- Statement of Cash Flows
- Schedules Reports and Dashboards
Strong emphasis will be placed on contemporary theories and practice such as Key Drivers, which lead to the population of lines or other content in the financial statements. Information will be given on the use of links to Non-Financial data such as key calculations for lines in the financial statements, but also techniques which will enable client participation and ownership in the process.
Content of the course will also include systems, data, and sample work papers on key areas of Predictive Accounting, for example calculation of Debtors, Work In Progress, and the like. One on one training will be given, and academic staff are available for ongoing input to the benefit of registrant or graduate.
A key component of the course is the inclusion of PlanGuru, which is an internationally endorsed and utilised software application, specifically designed for Predictive Accounting. Many of the activities mentioned above are highly automated in the application, which is a considerable timesaver when compared to other alternatives.
Online presentations will be made by personnel from the US based company, on international case studies showing the advantages of the tool.
There will be an examination, and note that on qualification, graduates are entitled to use the words Certified Predictive Accountant™, which, together with the badge above, are subject to a Trademark. This was decided on to emphasize, and protect, the uniqueness of the skill of the graduates who will be able to freely use the words, and badge, in their own electronic and other material.
Learn more about The Predictive Accounting Course